Monday, May 17, 2010

Farmer's Fatigue

Is there such a thing...Farmer's Fatigue? It must be so.
Today I actually welcomed the light rain we have been having for two reasons. 1- I can't think of anything better to feed the newly planted garden. 2- I am spending the evening indoors, which allows me this opportunity to update everyone on what has been happening at Girasole Farm.

Lots of new blooms from the roses. I am a terrible rose mommy. I really have no idea how to care for them properly.They have black spots on the leaves,  dead old shoots, or stalks, or whatever they are called. I think you are supposed to prune them...when? I am not sure.. but I never have.  Sure they look fine in the pictures (thank goodness for close-up shots). The only roses I really love here are the ones down at the road by the mailbox. They are a rambling rose that need very little care and attention. Those deserve a post of their own at a later time.

The orchard is coming along fine, except for the curly leaf on the nectarine trees. I still have yet to learn to control it. I'll spare you the pictures. It's just too painful to look at.

WE HAVE SIGNS OF GROWTH...............

A little help from the lady bugs. Oh Lady Bug, Lady Bug, do not fly away home. Please stay and care for the trees. I promise your house is not on fire and your children are fine.

We have a life line of water to all the trees. Whew-A life saver to me too.

The Garden has been planted. It starts looking something like this:

Then looks like this:

Tomatoes & Peppers
Everything else is planted from seed.
can you see the tiny "baby"?

We have planted watermelon, cantaloupe, butter nut squash, Isley peppers, jalapeno peppers, zucchini, cucumbers, corn, carrots and radishes. (I have another garden for my herbs)

The Spirea bloomed beautiful this year.  (so did the grand-baby Laci)
Isn't that the most beautiful baby..blooms you have ever seen?

My birds are happy in the trees too.

Ok I am sure you've had enough. Time to get back to the garden.

Guess it's over now.
BYE until next time.
The Girsole Lady

1 comment:

  1. It seems as though Laci was done having her picture taken. I second your thoughts on the rain. It was nice not watering my seedlings today.
